Confirmed Speakers:
- F. Alcalde (Universidad de Santiago): “Minimal foliations of hyperbolic 3-manifolds”
- C. Alonso-González (Universidad de Alicante): “Stratification of the dynamics of real vector fields in dimension three”
- J. M. Aroca (Universidad de Valladolid): “The contributions of Felipe Cano to the theory of Singularities”
- A. Belotto (University of Toronto): “The Sard conjecture on Martinet surfaces”
- N. Corral (Universidad de Cantabria): “Jacobian curves of singular foliations”
- V. Cossart (Université de Versailles): “Ridge of a tangent cone: a forgotten theorem”
- M. Fernández (Universidad de Valladolid): “Local Uniformization of codimension one foliations”
- Y. Genzmer (Université Paul Sabatier): “Dimension of the moduli space of a plane branch in C2″
- X. Gómez-Mont (CIMAT): “Attracting measures in foliations with hyperbolic leaves”
- Lê Dũng Tráng (University of Valencia): “A remark about complex polynomial functions”
- O. Le Gal (Université de Savoie): “Realization of formal invariant curve”
- J.-M. Lion (Université de Rennes 1): “Ensembles pfaffiens”
- L. López (UFMG): “Stable manifolds of diffeomorphisms asymptotic to formal curves”
- F. Loray (Université de Rennes 1): “Neighborhoods of curves in complex surfaces”
- D. Marín (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona): “Topological moduli space for singular germs of holomorphic foliations in the plane”
- M. Nicolau (Universidad Autónoma de Barcelona): “On the automorphism group of a transversely holomorphic foliation”
- L. Ortiz (IM, UNAM): “On the complexity of the holonomy of polynomial perturbations of integrable systems”
- D. Panazzolo (Université de Haute-Alsace): “Resolution of singularities for differential operators”
- A. Parusinski (Université de Nice): “Zariski equisingularity and Whitney conditions”
- E. Paul (Université Paul Sabatier): “Moduli space of irregular connections and Painlevé equations”
- J. V. Pereira (IMPA): “Algebraic integration in bounded genus”
- J.-P. Ramis (Université Paul Sabatier): “Dynamics on the Wild Character Varieties of the Painlevé equations”
- M. Ravara (UFSC, Florianópolis): “Nodal separators for codimension one foliations in dimension three”
- H. Reis (Universidade do Porto): “On the dimension of the automorphism group of projective three-folds with PIC= Z”
- J. Ribón (UFF Niterói): “Intersections in holomorphic dynamical systems”
- R. Rosas (PUCP): “Characteristic curves of holomorphic foliations”
- F. Sanz (Universidad de Valladolid): “Real analytic vector fields with first integral and separatrices”
- M. Soares (UFMG): “Khanedani-Suwa variational residues for invariant currents”
- O. Villamayor (Universidad Autónoma de Madrid): “On the behavior of the multiplicity on points of a variety”
- S. Yakovenko (Weizmann Institute of Science): “Normalization and factorization of linear ordinary differential operators”